The program was disbanded in 1985 when Cornell University sold its WHCU FM radio station to a commercial enterprise.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336624. side 1:Approx. 6 min. Ebony Insight 9/12/84– 1984 Presidential Election Dealing with the role of white women during the election. Larry Watson producer. side 2 : approx. 11 min. Kwanzaa- From John Banch’s book, Kwanzaa Black African Holiday- Explanation of what Kwanzaa is about; with brief introductory story symbolizing the meaning of the seven days of Kwanzaa. NS 45.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057323069. side 1 : Approx. 36 min. Black World News — Sonji Stevenson 1) Latin peace talks cancelled–Feb. 14, 1985 2) Shultz accuses Nicaragua of falling behind Iran curtain– Feb. 20, 1985 3) One hundred and forty eight are killed as Spanish Jet hits mountain (double-dub) Feb. 20, 1985 4) Ethiopian Jews forcefully removed to Israel–Feb. 27, 1985 5) Delegation of five bishops visit Nicaragua Feb.27, 1985 6) Summary of Goetz case–March 2, 1985 7) Israeli jets attack guerilla bases in Lebanon–11/25/84 8) Kenya President wants government to play his tune–11/3/84 9) Ethiopia gets new aid from U.S.–Oct. 26, 1984 10) Violation ruled out when restaurant owner refuses to serve Blacks–Dec. 1, 1984 11) Ethiopia guerilla release 3 hostages taken 6 weeks ago 12) Honduras to open a new U.S. base–Dec. 1, 1984 13) Human rights in Haiti–March 13,1984 14) Two congressmen held after South African embassy protest- -Dec. 1, 1984 15) Goetz case reopened–March 13, 1985 16) Brazil tries to stop cocaine traffic–March 14, 1985 17) New witness for Goetz case–March 16, 1985 18) Grenada reports Economic revival–March 27, 1985 19) Trinidad adjusts it’s view on the outside world–4/3/85 20) South Africans testify on the use of heavy ammunition– April 10, 1985 21)Haitians removed from high risk category for AIDS–4/10/85 22)Judge dismissed indictment of Police Officer Steven Sullivan in Eleanor Bumpurs killing–April 17, 1985 side 2: Approx. 33 min.: A Kind of Marriage”, A play by Buchi Emecheta (Nigeria). Adapted for radio, produced by Jumoke Debayo. Hilversum, Holland: Radio Netherlands, 1979. Duration 32 min. NS 46.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336590. side 1: 15 min.: 57 sec. side 2: 3 min.: 31 sec. Black Agenda Reports on Business 1. malpractice cases 2. honesty in business world 3. patents 4. patenting software 5. surving patents. NS 3.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336582. 3 min.: 31 sec. Ebony Insights: Skepticism about Ronald Reagan. NS 4.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336574. side 1: 9 min.: 29 sec. Interview with Ann Fullerton about Cornell Divestment. Fullrerton speaks of the Cornell Corporate Responsibility. Project reports. side 2: Approx. 12 min. Focus: Malcolm X– 3/1/81– Biography sketch on Malcolm X. Looks at Malcolm X’s early childhood. Deals with the early influences in his life, which included his father and the UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association). After Malcolm’s father was killed, his mother was placed in a mental hospital. Once Malcolm reached early adulthood he lived with his sister at Boston and turned into a life of crime. He eventually landed in prison where the teachings of Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam were introduced to him. upon leaving prison Malcolm joined the Nation and became its spokes person. NS 5.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336558. 5 min.: 10 sec. Interview with Dr. Manning Marable on the Miami rebellion and the attempted assassination of Vernon Jordan. Dr. Marable speaks of the causes. NS 7.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336533. 4 min., 40 sec. Speaker on White Man’s Christian religion. NS 9.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336491. Racism terror in a new form of institutionalization in the 80’s by Kimberly Crenshaw. NS 13.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca,NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336467. side 1: Approx. 5 min.: Great Beautiful Black Women: Fannie Lou Hamer. side 2: Approx. 13 min.: Black Affairs Department Special-10/ 17/72-Discussion on the problems in Dominica. Sandy Black host; George Nelson-guest. Nelson was a graduate student at Cornell who was a native Dominican. He spoke of the struggles that were going on in Dominica and how the people were organizing to deal with overcoming those problems. NS 17.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336434. side 1: Approx. 18 min.: 05/17/79: Bernadette Powell Defense Fund. Interview with Yolanda Burwell. Rebecca Alerton of Task Force for Battered Women speaks of Powell who was charged with the murder of her spouse. A Harvey Green Production. side 2: Approx. 5 min.: Music–Ojed Penn–South Africa– Political song about what is going on in South Africa from the LP Allison. NS 20.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336426. side 1: Approx. 18 min.: 11/02/80: African Folk Tales with Mary Carey. side 2: Approx. 11 min.: By Leslie Goss for Ebony Insights– 1982-Story about a questionable conviction for the murder of a Black Man in Atlanta, Georgia. NS 21.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336418. side 1: Approx. 11 min.: 06/16/80: Host Dr. Manning Marable on the late Walter Rodney who was assassinated. side 2: Approx. 9 min.: Affirmative Action in Ithaca’s Public Schools-Editorial on the cuts in affirmative action program and the status of its director Beth Martin. Commentator Annet. NS 22.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336400. side 1: Approx. 7 min.: 06/16/80: Dr. Manning Marable on Massachusett Senator’s racial slurs. side 2: Approx. 11 min.: Black World Newscast-07/24/80- Demonstration against apartheid in South Africa: Interview focus on the anti-apartheid movement in Ithaca. With an opinion offered on how people can rally and hold government officials accountable for their efforts and actions to help end apartheid in South Africa. NS 23.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336392. side 1: Approx. 14 min.: 02/25/80: Black Images-Overview on the acheivements of Blacks in Sports. Lynn Harvey on boxing, Cammille Dentler on the Olympics, Kimberly Crenshaw on basketball and athletic firsts. side 2: Approx. 20 min.: The Struggle of the Native Americans (15 min.)-November 12, 1974–Interviews with Coyote and Ann of White Roots of Peace by Steve Reaves. Also present at the interview was Toretha Scott, Ithaca News Times by Nightsound (Cornell U.)s WHCU-FM Ithaca, NY (There is no introduction). NS 24.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336376. side 1: African Folk Tales; The Story of the Twins. side 2: African Music; The Oriental Brothers-From the L.P. Muri Tala (We are the kings of Africa). The Oriental Brothers are Cameronese living at the time of this recording in eastern Nigeria. Recorded in both Igbo and English. NS 26.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336350. side 1: approx. 9 min.: Roger Davis interviews James Forman; Forman gives an over view of SNCC, views on women workers, Black Panther Party and the Civil Rights Movemant of the 60’s. Jan. 1978 side 2: approx. 16 min.: Farewell Reception for Lynn M. Harvey; Reception held at the Elks Nest-536 West Green Street in Ithaca. Lynn was Asst. Director at WHCU-Nightsound (Cornell U.)s from 1981-1984. Speakers; 1. Annette Laurier-Skates 2. Larry Watson 3. June Wall Williams 4. Michelle Dade 5. Lynn Harvey. NS 29.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, New York: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336343. side 1: approx 22 min.: Puerto Rico and American Justice- Interview with Armando Gonzales of La Association Del Caribe: Produce by Stan Ricks. side 2: approx. 16 min.: Overview of what Blacks had to deal with during slavery in the south. Outline various laws from state to state. Also details the struggles that Freed Blacks had to undertake, such as lynching at the hands of whites mobs. Touches on famous Blacks, such as Paule Cuffe and Benjamin Banneker. Also looks at the Black writers during the Ante-Bellum period. NS 30.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057323028. side 1: Approx. 27 min.: Eldridge Cleaver side 2: Approx. 9 min.: Focus; Dizzy Gillispie, Part 1; Sept. 30, 1982-Biography sketch of Gillispie and overview of the Bop Era. NS 31.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057323010. side 1:Approx. 21 min.: Zimbabwe African National Union; Interview with Noel Mukono, Secretary of Indian Affairs. side 2:Approx. 10 min.: Black News with Sonji Stevenson-June 19-21, 1985; 1. Ku Klux Klan Killings 2. South Africa News Brief 3. Local News. NS 32.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057323002. side 1: Approx. 35 mins.: Black Students Situation at Ithaca High School; Interview with a few staff members on the situaton of Black students at Ithaca High School. side 2: Approx. 14 mins.: The State of Black America Segment: Blacks in the military Part 2-Host, Fred Ennis; Overview of Blacks role in American’s battles. Focus on the wars against the Native Americans, Civil War, Spanish American War, World War One, World War Two, and the Vietnam War. There is also a look at the hypocrisy of American policy in which Jim Crow was enforced; Blacks fought and died in the name of America, but were still lynched once they returned to the United States. There is also discussion about the economic reasons why Blacks join the military in disproportionate numbers. NS 33.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057322988. side 1 approx. 13 min. Interview with James Turner and Robert Staples about studies on Black families side 2: approx. 6 min. Black World News 1. Student Protest in South Africa , seven journalists had been arrested 2. Violence in London — 10/ 2/85 Linda Gadsby– 10/2/85 1. Kappa’s second food feast 2. College Women and men careers’ before marriage 3. Black dying at higher rates than whites. Cancer, heart failures, substance abuse are among causes of death– homicide is leading cause of death for Black men between ages 15-44. Linda Gadsby — 10/30/85 1. House defeats cuts on food stamp bill. NS 35.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057322962. side 1: approx. 17 min. Story on the Peacemaker side 2 : approx. 25 min. Stories from South Africa from Marian Carry for American Folk Tales 1)From Terry Burger’s book Black Fairy Three little eggs. The story of The Shining Princess. NS 37.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCH–FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057322954. side 1 : approx. 5 min. Bubba Brown’s comments on COSEP. side 2 : approx. 22 min. Black history Month Feb., 1985 — [Bad Tape.] NS 38
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCH–FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057322947. side 1 : approx. 44 min. Short Stories: The Village Saint by Bessie Head, from Botswana, and The Crooked Rib by Nuruddin Farah from Somalia. side 2 : approx. 24 min. Interview with Dr. Ibrahim Abdulmalik- (8-4-78) — Explanation of the Summer Academy program in NYC. This program was designed to expose inner city younsters who might not have had the opportunity to be exposed to college. Dr. Abdulmalik gave some history on the program and explained the importance of keeping this program alive. The main focus is about ways to encourage and to give high school students the assistance they need to get a higher education. NS 39.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057322939. side 1 : A Kind of Marriage, A play by Buchi Emecheta (Nigeria). Adapted for radio; Produced and Directed by Jumoke Debayo. Hilversum, Holland: Radio Netherland, 1979. Duration 32 min. side 2: The Old Men of Usumbara, Short Story by Taban Lo Liyong (Uganda). Read by George Browne. Produced and Directed by Jumoke Debayo. Hilversum, Holland: Radio Nethetland Wereldom, 1979. Duration 15 min. 75 sec. The Sun Roasted Me, Short Story by R. Muzo Gatheru (Kenya). Read by Gordon Tialobi. Produced and Directed by Jumoke Debayo. Hilversum, Holland: Radio Netherlands Wereldom, 1979. Duration 25 min. 53 sec. NS 40.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057322921. side 1: The Barbed Wire, Part I. A play by Mukotani Rugyendo (Uganda) Adapted for radio , Produced and Directed for Jumoke Debayo. Hiversum , Holland: Radio Netherlands Wereldom, 1979. Duration 33 min. 30 sec. side 2: The Barbed Wire, Part II. A play by Mukotani Rugyendo (Uganda) Adapted for radio, Produced and Directed for Jumoke Debayo. Hiversum, Holland: Radio Netherlands Wereldom, 1979. Duration 33 min. 30 sec. NS 41.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057322913. side 1: Oda Oak Oracle, Part 1. A play by Tsegaye Gabre Medhin (Ethiopia). Adapted for radio, Produced and Directed by Jumoke Debayo. Hilversum, Holland: Radio Netherlands Wereldomroep, 1979. Duration 27 min. 42 sec. side 2: Oda Oak Oracle, Part 2. A Play by Tsegaye Gabre Medhin (Ethiopia). Adapted for radio, Produced and Directed by Jumoke Debayo. Hilversum, Holland: Radio Netherlands Wereldomroep, 1979. Duration 22 min. 35 sec. NS 42.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057322905. side 1: Come Back Elena, Short Story by Cyprian Ekwenski (Nigeria) read by George Browne. Produced and Directed by Jumoke Debayo. Duration 21 min. 35 sec. side 2:. NS 43.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336632. side 1: approx. 47 min. Short Story, Come Back Elena, side 2: approx. 27 min. Bobby Bird of the group Black Ivory- History of Band and the musicians background and how the Black Ivory band was formed in the year 1969. NS 44.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057323051. side 1: Approx. 10 min.: Black World News 1)Earthquake in Mexico City–Sept. 21, 1985 2)Immigration bill–Sept. 20, 1985 3)Quake in Chile–Sept. 27, 1985 4)Israel will not place sanctions on South Africa, will keep ties with South Africa trading partners–Sept. 27, 1985 5)Voter fraud case in Alabama–Oct. 4, 1985 6)School Funds scandal in St. Louis–Oct. 25, 1985 7)Protest in Capetown, South Africa 8)Affirmative Action–Nov. 1, 1985 9)C. Scott King praises Gov. Cuomo for Passing of King holiday–Nov. 1, 1985 10)Jesse Jackson calls for boycott of ships doing business with South Africa–Nov. 8, 1985 11)State pay disparities between male/female/Black/White/ Latino–Nov. 8, 1985 12)Syracuse University will review plan in divestment issue with South Africa–Nov. 15, 1985 side 2: Approx. 12 min.: “Black World News”-Host Arnold Stovell 1)Filipino General Marcos takes a leave–Oct. 15, 1985 2)Ebony insights–The Greying of Black music–Detailing the importance of music within the Black community. Blacks should be less concerned with trying to crossover in order to appeal to white audience. 3)Ebony insights–Blues for Black actors–Blacks are under represented in cinema. Most successful are comics e.g. Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy. 4)Mondale retires, will return to D.C. and practice law. 5)State of Black America Report–1985–Blacks made progress in the 1960’s; peaked in the 1970’s; and have fallen off ever since. Wide gap between Black and Whites in earnings. NS 47.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057323044. side 1: Approx. 12 min.: Interview with Brother Phillipe- History of Afro-Latino Music. He gives backgrounds on some of the most political Latino musicians. He talks about the relationship between African and Latin music. Includes some music sample of Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and other Hispanic music. side 2:(continued). NS 48.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057323036. side 1: Approx. 29 min: Native People’s Program–April 1, 1984; Indian Music side 2: Approx. 38 min.: The Old Man From Usumbura and The Sun Roasted Me. NS 49.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 11/15/74. Note: Barcode no. 31924057322996. side 1 : 3 min.; 45 sec. Interview with Oulusu Sadauki by Stan Reeves. Major obligations of African Americans who are interested in the liberation movement. side 2 : Approx. 17 min. Native peoples programs – Ray Cooke – March 4, 1984 Political Songs — Folk Songs dealing with the plight of the American Indians. NS 34.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 5/2/79. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336335. side 1: Approx. 7 min. Perspectives on South Africa part 2. White control in Rhodesia, sanctions against. side 2: Approx. 6 min. Explanation of the Second Principle of Kwanzaa by Ken Glover; Kujichagulia, which stands for self-determination. NS 16.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 5/2//79. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336475. Approx. 12 min. Southern Africa takeover by the Dutch. Perspectives on South Africa by Kimberly Crenshaw. South African Liberation Committee. NS 15.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 6/29/79. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336608. Side 1: 15 min: 35 sec.:WHCU-FM Broadcast Side 2: Approx. 3 min: Black poetry in America-Touches on the importance of poetry in the telling of Black America’s history. NS 2
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 9/12/79. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336509. side 1: Approx. 13 min. The Andrew Young Affair- A Black Perspective of the Israel / Palestine conflict. With James Turner, director of Africana Studies and Research Center. Cornell on the resignation of Young. side 2 : Approx.9 min. Wanda Motley’s State of Black America Close-up on presidential campaign 1980, Anti- Blacks sentiments and how it affects Blacks and politics. NS 12.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 11/7/79. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336483. side 1: Approx. 3 min. Kuumba Interview by Angela Clarke with Andrea Bolling and Schelley Michele. side 2: Approx. 6 min. Stan Reaves, Eagle Bay Indian Movement takes on Nov. 1 at Eagle Bay,NY. Time: Approx. 4:03. NS 14.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 12/26/79. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336459. Approx. 8 min. Economic Forecast-Host Rabbi L. Ewell. Economic forecasts for 1980. NS 18.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 1/30/80. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336384. Approx. 6 min. Ebony Insight-Host Robbi Ewell on South Africa with focus on Rhodesian elections. NS 25.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 5/15/80. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336515. side 1: 7 min., 30 sec. Cornrows is spirit force by Cammile Yarborough. African women hairstyles. Article from Black Collegian (Apr/May issue). Voices of Annette Laurier and Lynn M. Harvey. side 2 : Approx. 6 min. Report on Cornell Administration – the Parker Dismissal and the insensitivity of Cornell Administration towards minorities in general. NS 11.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 8/1/80. side 1 : 6 min.: 5 sec. Interview with Frank Dawson on Minorities in Communication. Dawson focuses on broadcasting. side 2: Aprox. 25 min. Interview with David Sebiko-from the Pan-African Congress of Azainla (South Africa) 10/28/74 Detailed Interview with Sebiko- Just returning from appearing before the security council of the United Nations. Outlines of the Azania liberation movements agenda. Speaks on how the Western Media have undermined the anti-apartheid movement and have supported the minority government. He also points out the role that the United States government played in helping the minority regime stay in power. NS 8.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 11/23/80. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336616. Side 1: 15 min: 20 sec.: African Folk Tales-The Enchanted Buck. A young bride is accused of being a witch by her groom’s father when the kill for her wedding feast turns into a white buck. The groom’s father calls the wedding off and the bride goes back to the village where she sees the buck again. She follows the buck into a forest in which a hungry ogre grabs for the buck and when he does so, the buck turns into a handsome chief. The chief asks the young woman to be his bride. The moral of the story is that people should not always kill animals to eat for pleasure. Side 2: Approx. 17 min.: Black World News-Gwen Williams. NS 1.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; Aired 12/26/81-1/1/ 82. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336368. side 1: approx. 14 min.: American Justice: Interview with New York Assemblyman Arthur Eve discussing situation at Attica. side 2: approx. 9 min.: The Seven Days of Kwanzaa; Hosted by Lynn M. Harvey. The history of what Kwanzaa is and means within the African American community. Kwanzaa is a holiday of unity for African people. Music throughout tape. NS 28.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 1/2/84. Note: Barcode no. 3124057322970. Approx. 7 min. Interview with makers of the Displaced Homemaker Committee on the Job Readiness Program. NS 36.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 02/18/84. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336442. Approx. 14 min.: Gospel group the Clark Sisters Interview with Kimberly D. Francis. NS 19.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM; 2/10/91. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336533. side 1: Approx. 13 min. History on the beginning of slavery- from the white indentured servants to the coming of African slaves. Music intro. side 2 : Approx. 8 min State of Black America Report — Anniversary of the Willard Straight Hall Takeover History of how it happen, what the students did and why.– [Poor quality tape.] NS 10.
Nightsounds Tapes (Cornell U.). Ithaca, NY: WHCU-FM. Note: Barcode no. 31924057336038. side 1: approx. 57 min.: History backgound on Afro-Latino music, rythym and blues. side 2: approx. 52 min.: History of ancient African Queens with Cynthia Nwizu; Black Womanhood in celebration of Black History Month-Understanding the importance of women in the Black community and the family. Focus on her strength and spirit. Overview of some former African Queens; 1. Hatshepsut (5:27 min.) Ruled Ancient Egypt during the 17th dynasty. 2. Queen of Sheba-Makeda, ruler of Ethiopia. 3. Cleopatra-Queen of Egypt, became a goddess. 4. Queen of Zehobia, biographical stetch. 5. Queen Nzinga of Southern Africa.–Street Beat with Ken Glover, individual interviews. NS 27.